Evaluation Question 5

How do you attract/ dress your audience?

To address my target audience I conducted a survey and interview. I then analysed these results, which contributed to deciding factors of the media product such as focusing on villainous characters and ‘bad guys’ and comparing this to that of a hero or a ‘good guy’. I interpreted it as good verses evil and displayed this in my opening using props, actions and specific looks or emotions of the characters.

Although I did not apply other questions I asked such as locations, it was actually very useful as this focus on good verses evil lead me onto the question of how I could display this. I did further research of films that take on this idea and came across the path of James Bond films. This caused me to create the character of the female in every film known as the ‘Bond Girl’ who is portrayed as an attractive, glamorous and sophisticated love interest or sidekick.


To conclude I believe that I attracted and addressed my audience by providing an online survey to my targeted demographic, a recorded interview, an analysis of findings on Prezi and thorough online research. This all allowed me to spark and visualise ideas for my final piece tailored to my audiences preferences.

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